Noise exposure in loud work environments can present a risk to hearing in many professions.

Construction workers, musicians and factory workers are especially vulnerable, as their work often exposes them to sounds that can harm their hearing over time. For these professions, wearing proper hearing protection is key to preventing hearing loss.

While aging is a common cause of hearing issues, noise exposure is another factor in hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) happens when sounds are so loud that they cause harm to the inner ear, gradually reducing hearing ability. It’s important to remember that the need for ear protection varies by job – some professions rarely require it, while others require it to keep workers’ hearing safe. In high-noise environments, taking steps to protect your ears can make a difference in hearing health. With this in mind, what are three jobs that need ear protection?


Construction work is known for its noise, making ear protection essential for those operating loud machinery. Many of the tools on a construction site, like jackhammers and drills, can reach noise levels well above the safe limit. While not every task requires ear protection, anyone using these high-powered tools should protect their hearing. For example, a jackhammer can be nearly as loud as a jet engine, so wearing ear protection in these situations is crucial to prevent long-term hearing damage.


As a musician, you’re likely exposed to music and loud sounds on a regular basis. Spending long hours in rooms with high-volume speakers can gradually harm your hearing, especially when the volume is turned up. To protect your ears, it’s a good idea to consider using some form of ear protection, like in-ear monitors or custom-molded earplugs. Musicians often wear earplugs, which are designed to lower volume levels while still allowing you to hear clearly. Wearing ear protection can help you preserve your hearing and keep doing what you love without posing a risk to your hearing health.

Manufacturers and Factory Workers

Manufacturing and factory workers are often around loud machinery, like conveyor belts, metal presses and other heavy equipment that run continuously. These machines can reach high noise levels that can harm hearing over time if workers don’t use ear protection. By wearing earplugs or earmuffs, factory workers can reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing loss, allowing them to work safely in these loud environments. Since these sounds are part of their daily routine, consistent use of ear protection is important to protect their hearing health. Wearing proper hearing protection helps ensure that they can keep working without risking long-term damage to their hearing.

These are just a few examples of jobs that need ear protection. If you work in a noisy environment there are several ways to protect your hearing. If you have any concerns about which type of hearing protection you should be wearing, schedule an appointment with an audiologist. They will be able to answer any questions you have about your hearing.